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[Title of work]㉛Talk

Born in Tokyo
[About the work]
Stones have existed since the birth of the earth we live in. From a wide variety of stones, meet your favorite stone and create an image of your work. The stone itself has a strong power and shines powerfully. I would like to make something that makes the most of that presence. With a little modification by me, a new breath is blown into the stone and it becomes a powerful work.
My work consists of a broken surface and a cut surface. When you break a stone, it doesn't break as planned as you did in the beginning. The stone itself breaks in the direction you want to break. The shape created by chance from there is the most beautiful and natural shape like the stone. By polishing the cut surface, the beauty of the split surface is made more prominent. It's an abstract form, but I gave it the title "Talking" and arranged the four stones as if they were talking, while keeping a little space between the stones. I would be happy if people who come to see this work can have fun talking with each other.
[Production] 2002 Yonago Sculpture Symposium
[Session] July 13th -August 25th , 2002

[Participating in the Yonago Sculpture Symposium]
It was my first time to come to the Chugoku region, and I came to Yonago without knowing the positional relationship between Tottori and Shimane prefectures. Previously, the writers who participated in Yonago Sculpture Symbodium heard that Yonago is a very good place and even a "girl" is okay, so I wanted to make a work here someday.
I'm really happy to be able to participate in this symbolium, I had the feeling that I had to finish the work in 40 days anyway, and my head was always full of work. Originally, I was weak in the morning, but every day I went to the venue early in the morning and worked on the production with a refreshing feeling while feeling the breeze from the sea. The other three writers are older and more experienced than me, so I learned a lot from the new discoveries I had, such as how to proceed and how to work.
I usually make it without being conscious of myself being a woman, but at the opening ceremony, Mayor Morita said, "Yonago is a woman-friendly land." I thought he was a "girl" and felt a little happy. Volunteers also took care of the sunburn on their skin and gave them cosmetics, which made me feel better. I was able to concentrate on making the work because he took care that if I wanted ice cream or juice, it would arrive immediately.
Production in an unfamiliar land can be tense and confusing, but the people of Yonago and the land sometimes unraveled all of them. The calm cityscape was also nostalgic. Moreover, when it came to food, I wondered if the fish were so delicious. As I talked with various people, I gradually deepened my desire to leave good works in this area and to make works that are loved by everyone. I'm glad that the environment is good and I can create what I imagined. I feel that the work is completed only with the support of many people, not the power of myself.
My work is installed under a pine tree, but since it is a walking path for people who come to the park, many people will see it. I hope that you will be familiar to people for many years to come. As the seasons change, the work will show a variety of expressions.
When I came to Yonago, I touched on the importance of interacting with people and the warmth of my heart. I am grateful for the encounters with stones and people, and I would like to cherish Yonago as my treasure.
Thank you very much.
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